About Us
CATO is driven by a passionate group of volunteers who donate their time and ideas to advocate for an industry that is diverse, complex and has a foothold in virtually every community across Canada.
CATO’s members include organizations offering tour programs and travel packages originating from Canada to international destinations as well as inbound to Canada, intra-Canada and trans-border.
A recent Economic Impact Analysis, commissioned by CATO and undertaken by BDO, noted that in 2019 the direct economic impact of CATO members amounted to more than four billion dollars in earned revenue, hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes paid and more than four thousand full-time employees across Canada.

We take a very human approach to issues and challenges – we listen – we discuss – we work together and with all parties involved – we strive for consensus.

This can only be done through trusted partnerships. We work on members’ behalf on building these trusted partnerships day in and day out so when an issue or challenge arises we’re not faced with the impossible task of building Rome in a day.
We seek to make our industry better, more responsible and rise to new heights for the benefit of all – our members, employees, travellers and people and communities we serve here in Canada and around the world. Whether the challenge is taking on employment equity, sustainability, climate change or any other shared responsibility; we help ourselves most by helping others more. We are stronger together. That, above all is the raison d’être of CATO.